
Isabel, one of our Founding Mothers has been elected EMBO member. The new members and associate members join a community of more than 2,000 leading life science experts. They take their place alongside 91 Nobel laureates who have been elected to EMBO Membership. Members provide guidance and support for EMBO activities, for example by evaluating funding applications and serving on EMBO Council and Committees.

EMBO Director Fiona Watt said: “The new EMBO Members and Associate Members have made immense contributions to fundamental life science research“.

A group of researchers, that included DrosAfrica members Isabel Palacios, Lola Martín-Bermudo and Marta Vicente, has met recently in Nairobi (Kenya) to discuss the possibility of creating an African Consortium on Functional Genomics. During the discussions it was clear the necessity for identifying high standing African researchers, and a unified theme for the consortium as well as the appropriate funding and possible stakeholders. A detailed report was drafted at the end of the meeting.

Droso4Nigeria member and DrosAfrica collaborator Rashidatu Abdulazeez has recently obtained a Flybase grant of USD2,000. The grant aims to train students from Federal Colleges of Education (F.C.E) across Nigeria in utilizing Drosophila as an effective teaching and learning tool within the biology curriculum. The primary objective is to enhance the quality of education and promote gender equality, aligning with the Nigerian Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets.
